what to add to clay soil for drainage

How to Fix Your Heavy Clay Soil

When you wrestle with heavy, compacted clay in your backyard and garden, your body and your plants can show the strain. But don't despair. Clay soil offers many benefits, but it can need a paw to achieve its potential. Salubrious, well-maintained dirt soil translates to less piece of work for y'all and less stress on your lawn and garden. With these insights and a little effort, yous tin can ready your heavy clay soil and reap its rewards:

  • Clay soil can provide an splendid foundation for healthy institute growth
  • Compacted dirt inhibits healthy growth for grass and other plants
  • Soil amendments such every bit organic thing and gypsum ameliorate heavy clay and relieve compaction
  • Gypsum enhances your soil and delivers extra benefits to your garden

Clay soil can provide an excellent foundation for salubrious plant growth

Clay's potential as ane of the best soil types for plant growth lies in its unique backdrop. The private particles that make up your clay are extremely small-scale compared to other soil types such every bit sand, silt or loam.1 Thank you to the expanse of all those small particles, clay soil has a greater capacity to concord water and nutrients your backyard and garden needs. Managed well, clay soil typically requires less irrigation and less fertilizer, and leads to healthier plants all around.

Even if you lot're certain yous have heavy clay—and have the clods on your boots and tools to evidence information technology—accept time to test your soil earlier you make changes. A soil test takes the guesswork out of your starting point, so well-intentioned soil work doesn't backfire and make things worse. If you're new to soil sampling, your local canton extension amanuensis can help with advice and soil testing kits.

Your test results and recommendations tin include ways to meliorate your clay soil, along with helpful information about your soil's organic matter, pH and nutrients. In areas with heavy clay, it's a good idea to test your soil every three to iv years.1

Testing soil

Alteration your soil with organic matter helps better its structure.

Compacted dirt inhibits good for you growth for grass and other plants

The same backdrop behind dirt'south benefits also present its biggest claiming. The small size of clay particles ways they fit closely together, leaving less room for air, water and nutrients to move—especially when pressure compacts them. The particle shape increases the likelihood of compaction, too. Clay particles are flat, like plates, instead of rounded like grains of sand.

Dirt becomes compacted for many reasons. Walking on your lawn or garden when its wet is a common cause. Heavy, beating rains also bulldoze clay particles together. Once compacted, dirt restricts h2o, nutrient, and air movement, leaving plants vulnerable to root diseases and nutrient deficiencies.1 And, like your garden shovel, tender new roots hit a wall of difficult clay when they try to grow. Salts from fertilizers and winter de-icing solutions build up in heavy dirt likewise.

aerated soil

Aeration helps relieve soil compaction by creating holes that permit water and nutrients to penetrate.

Soil amendments such as organic affair and gypsum improve heavy clay and relieve compaction

Amending your soil properly tin overcome heavy, compacted clay and get it back on track for healthy lawn and garden growth. Adding materials such every bit organic compost, pine bark, composted leaves and gypsum to heavy clay can better its construction and help eliminate drainage and compaction problems. Avoid calculation sand or peat moss to clay; they can brand those problems worse.i

Your soil test or extension agent tin can assistance you determine the correct amount of organic matter for your soil. As a general rule, when possible, add together a layer of 3 to 6 inches of organic matter on your soil earlier planting, and work it down into the top ten to 12 inches—where most roots abound. In following years, build on your efforts by adding 1 to three inches of organic mulch as a topdressing each year.1 As it decomposes, it continues to gradually improve clay soil.

Gypsum is easily applied to the soil surface with a regular lawn spreader. It's an ideal amendment for improving soil structure and relieving compaction in existing lawns and gardens. Lilly Miller Garden Gypsum starts working immediately starts working immediately to help loosen compacted clay soil, increase h2o penetration and improve drainage, correcting soil weather to allow for better plant root growth.

Compacted clay lawns benefit from almanac aeration.ane Core aeration cuts into clay and removes a small core of thatch and soil that gradually disintegrates on the surface. Openings left by the cores let water, air and nutrients into the clay, then those essentials stay bachelor and grass can grow healthy and strong.

Tomato with disease

Gypsum enhances soil without affecting soil pH and provides calcium to forestall flower cease rot disease.

Gypsum enhances your soil and delivers extra benefits to your garden

Improving soil structure and relieving compaction aren't the just ways that gypsum benefits your backyard and garden. Gypsum adds calcium and sulfur—essential institute nutrients—to your soil. While lime adds calcium and makes soil less acidic, gypsum adds calcium without affecting your soil pH.

Calculation gypsum to vegetable gardens helps preclude calcium deficiency, a chief cause of blossom cease rot affliction. This common affliction can undermine your harvest of garden favorites such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and melons. Calculation gypsum at planting fourth dimension keeps calcium plentiful, so fruit tin can ripen without end rot. The calcium in gypsum helps your strawberry patch accomplish its juicy potential, too.

By taking steps to improve and maintain your heavy dirt soil, you can relish all the benefits clay offers and reap the rewards of healthy soil and plants. Pennington is here to help yous overcome lawn and garden challenges and abound the best lawn and garden possible, in heavy dirt and every other soil blazon.

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ane. D. Crouse, "Due north Carolina Extension Gardener Handbook: Soils and Plant Nutrients," NC Land Extension, February 2018.


Source: https://www.pennington.com/all-products/fertilizer/resources/how-to-improve-heavy-clay-soil

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