My Father Went to War and She Never Heard From Him Again

1.I (meet) 2 of my friends today. I (meet) them on mу manner to school. 2. A month ago my uncle (build) a new house in the country. We (visit) information technology recently and (enjoy) ourselves very much. iii. He (forget) to shut the window when he (leave) the house. 4. He (write) several letters this week. 5. Where Helen (become)? I don't see her here. — She (go) home an hr ago. 6. When the concert (to begin)? vii.1 don't think I ever (to see) such a beautiful garden as this i. 8. Jack London (to be born) in San Francisco in an extremely poor family unit. ix. You (to read) many books by Jack London? 10. How devil-may-care y'all are! Y'all (to break) your mother'due south favourite cup.

Ex.55 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

ane.I never (to hear) this story from my father. 2. He (to exist) a reader of this mag for years. 3. She (to be) ill concluding week. 4.I cannot tell you whether I like this book, as I not (to read) it. five. My mother not (to come) abode yet. 6. I (to exist) in that location last twelvemonth. seven. When you terminal (to run across) him? 8.I cannot give you this book equally I (to give) it to Ann. When you (to requite) information technology to her? 9. The child (to be) quite all right for the concluding two weeks. 10. It is cold today. The weather (to change) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit) this flick gallery? 12.I (to lose) my textbook and cannot remember when I concluding (to see) it.

Ex 56 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. Не never (to exist) in Frg. 2. He (not to answer) my letter. iii. My female parent (to go) to the state a calendar month ago. iv. His blood brother not (to go) to school yesterday. five. Where you (to be) final nighttime? 6. Yous (to receive) a letter of the alphabet from your male parent this week? seven.I (to run across) Ann on Wednesday. 8. My mother but (to get) out. 9. She never (to read) this book. 10.I (not to come) to you yesterday because I (to be) very busy. 11. When yous (to write) a letter to your friend? — I (to write) a letter to him this week. 12. How many books y'all (to read) this calendar week? 13. I (to be) at the theatre five or six times concluding month. xiv. I (to reply) to his letter today. 15. They (to lose) their way. 16. I (to speak) to him about it over and over again. 17. I (to speak) to him about it yesterday. xviii. He (to be) in Vienna several times.

Ex . 57 Choose the correct detail.

i. We (alive/have lived) in Hastinhs. two. I (got/take got) two brothers and a sis. 3. He (plays/is playing) football once a calendar week. 4. We (are/ have been) here since the store opened. 5. I always (am drinking/drinks) blackness java. six. (Has/does) he got a photographic camera?7. When did yous (got/get) home last night? 8. (Nosotros're/We) going to stay at home today. 9. We (knew/take known) them fora long time. 10. I (worked/am working) there two years agone.

Ex . 58 Put the words in the right order.

ane.I/on Sabbatum/didn't/you/at the party/run across/night. 2. Some/in the library/ we/interesting/books/establish. 3.Walked/ around the town/take/I. 4. Every week-terminate/do/clean/you/the house? 5.Slowly/he/getting/is/better.

Ex. 59 Переведите на английский язык.i)Вы смотрели вчера вечером фильм по телевизору? – Да. Вам он понравился? – Не очень. two)Что ты делала в выходные дни? –Я ходила по грибы (to go mushrooms). iii)Когда ты приехал?- Я приехал на прошлой неделе. Ты хорошо (well) доехал?

Ex.threescore a) Напишите в каком времени вы бы перевели эти предложения. Мы играем в прятки сейчас. Моя тётя только что приготовила завтрак. Я поеду на море следующим летом. Мы убираем свою комнату раз в неделю Гости уехали неделю назад. b) Соотнесите время и способ его образования. ane. By Unproblematic 2 Present Progressive 3 Time to come Simple 4 Nowadays Unproblematic  5 Present Perfect,     V2 V, Vs to exist + Ving will/shall + V have + V3 c) Добавьте к каждому предложению подходящий указатель времени. one. I went to school....... . 2. I get to school ....... three. I am going to school...... 4. I accept....... gone to school. 5. . I shall go to school......   ( next Monday, yesterday, now, already, every day)

Ex.61 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.

1. I never ( cook) dinner myself.

ii. She ( brand ) a cake at the present moment.

3. He ( visit ) my granny next summer.

four. They ( run into) this flick last calendar week.

v. My friend ( phone) me every day.

Ex.62 Измените предложения в соответствии с местом действия.

1. I write messages every 24-hour interval. ------- next month.

2. He has crossed the route.----------- 2 hours agone.

iii. They are playing hockey now.------already.

4. She went to the theatre last calendar month.----- once a month.

5. We volition consume ice-cream tomorrow. -----now.


Ex. 63 Choose the correct tense.

ane) He … newspapers after dinner every day . a) reads b) read c) has read

ii) She …. home at present . a) is going b) goes c) will go

3) Helen …. her friend in the street yesterday. a) see b) has seen c) saw

4) My blood brother … simply … from work.. a) has come b) will come up c) comes

five) I …. at 7 o`clock tomorrow. a) get up b) shall get upwardly c) got

vi) They frequently … to the theatre. a) go b) will get c) accept gone

7)We …. an English language lesson at this moment. a) have b) are having c) have had

8) My family unit … to England concluding year. a) went b) go c) has gone

9) I …. already …my homework . a) shall do b) did c) have washed

x) I ….. to you lot tomorrow. a) shall come up b) came c) volition come

11) He … to school by coach every day. a)goes b) shall go c) will go

12) What … you … now ? a) are doing b) volition do c) have done

13) Where …. you … yesterday ? a) did become b) have gone c) do go

14) I …. just …my breakfast . a) shall have b) had c) accept had

fifteen) They … to Moscow side by side week. a) will go b) go c) went

16) He ordinarily …. coffee in the forenoon. a) shall beverage b) drinks c) drank

17) You ….. for a walk now . a) have gone b) are going c) go

eighteen) She …. you almost it a twenty-four hour period ago . a) has asked b) asked c) will ask

19) I …. supper next Sunday. a) shall set up b) prepared c) accept prepared

20) I … already … the window. a) have opened b) do open c) will open

Ex. 64 Use the necessary give-and-take.

i) Many people go in for … a) take b) beautiful c) sports

2) English helps people in cultural … a) relations b) own c) important

3) I like to watch sports … on TV. a) competition b) kinds c) favorite

four) I want to read foreign literature in the … a) develop b) original c) different

5) Sport is very … a) hear b) go c) useful

6) Today English is the … of the globe . a) take chances b) foreign c) linguistic communication

7) … is the nearly famous summertime kind of sports. a) swimming b) skating c) skiing

8) Books help people in our … a) studies b) important c) often

9) Nosotros … many things from books a) learn b) cocky-education c) nature

10) I recollect a book is the best … a) often b) present c) favourite

one.I (meet) 2 of my friends today. I (meet) them on mу way to schoolhouse. two. A calendar month agone my uncle (build) a new house in the state. Nosotros (visit) it recently and (enjoy) ourselves very much. 3. He (forget) to shut the window when he (leave) the house. 4. He (write) several letters this week. 5. Where Helen (become)? I don't meet her hither. — She (get) domicile an hour ago. six. When the concert (to begin)? seven.ane don't call back I always (to meet) such a cute garden as this one. 8. Jack London (to be born) in San Francisco in an extremely poor family. 9. You (to read) many books by Jack London? 10. How careless you lot are! You lot (to interruption) your mother'south favourite cup.


Ex.55 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Nowadays Perfect или Past Uncomplicated.

one.I never (to hear) this story from my male parent. 2. He (to be) a reader of this magazine for years. 3. She (to exist) ill concluding calendar week. iv.I cannot tell you whether I similar this volume, as I non (to read) it. 5. My female parent non (to come up) home nevertheless. 6. I (to exist) there last year. seven. When y'all last (to encounter) him? 8.I cannot requite you lot this book as I (to give) it to Ann. When y'all (to give) information technology to her? 9. The kid (to be) quite all right for the terminal two weeks. 10. It is cold today. The conditions (to change) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit) this picture gallery? 12.I (to lose) my textbook and cannot remember when I last (to meet) it.

Ex 56 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Nowadays Perfect или Past Uncomplicated.

1. Не never (to exist) in Germany. 2. He (not to reply) my letter. 3. My female parent (to go) to the country a calendar month agone. iv. His blood brother not (to go) to school yesterday. 5. Where you (to be) last night? 6. You (to receive) a letter of the alphabet from your father this week? seven.I (to see) Ann on Midweek. 8. My mother merely (to go) out. 9. She never (to read) this book. 10.I (not to come up) to y'all yesterday considering I (to exist) very busy. 11. When you (to write) a alphabetic character to your friend? — I (to write) a letter to him this week. 12. How many books you (to read) this week? xiii. I (to be) at the theatre v or six times last calendar month. 14. I (to reply) to his letter today. 15. They (to lose) their style. 16. I (to speak) to him about it over and over once again. 17. I (to speak) to him about it yesterday. 18. He (to exist) in Vienna several times.

Ex . 57 Choose the right particular.

ane. Nosotros (alive/take lived) in Hastinhs. 2. I (got/have got) ii brothers and a sister. 3. He (plays/is playing) football once a calendar week. 4. We (are/ have been) hither since the shop opened. 5. I always (am drinking/drinks) black coffee. 6. (Has/does) he got a photographic camera?seven. When did you (got/get) abode last night? 8. (We're/We) going to stay at home today. 9. We (knew/have known) them fora long time. 10. I (worked/am working) in that location two years ago.

Ex . 58 Put the words in the correct order.

1.I/on Saturday/didn't/you/at the party/see/night. 2. Some/in the library/ nosotros/interesting/books/found. three.Walked/ around the town/have/I. 4. Every week-end/do/clean/you/the house? 5.Slowly/he/getting/is/better.

Ex. 59 Переведите на английский язык.ane)Вы смотрели вчера вечером фильм по телевизору? – Да. Вам он понравился? – Не очень. 2)Что ты делала в выходные дни? –Я ходила по грибы (to go mushrooms). 3)Когда ты приехал?- Я приехал на прошлой неделе. Ты хорошо (well) доехал?

Ex.threescore a) Напишите в каком времени вы бы перевели эти предложения. Мы играем в прятки сейчас. Моя тётя только что приготовила завтрак. Я поеду на море следующим летом. Мы убираем свою комнату раз в неделю Гости уехали неделю назад. b) Соотнесите время и способ его образования. 1. Past Simple 2 Present Progressive 3 Future Simple 4 Present Elementary  v Present Perfect,     V2 V, Vs to exist + Ving will/shall + Five have + V3 c) Добавьте к каждому предложению подходящий указатель времени. 1. I went to school....... . 2. I go to school ....... 3. I am going to schoolhouse...... 4. I have....... gone to school. 5. . I shall go to school......   ( next Monday, yesterday, now, already, every solar day)

Ex.61 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.

1. I never ( cook) dinner myself.

ii. She ( make ) a cake at the present moment.

3. He ( visit ) my granny next summer.

4. They ( meet) this film last week.

5. My friend ( phone) me every day.

Ex.62 Измените предложения в соответствии с местом действия.

1. I write messages every twenty-four hour period. ------- adjacent month.

2. He has crossed the road.----------- 2 hours ago.

iii. They are playing hockey now.------already.

4. She went to the theatre last month.----- once a month.

v. We will eat ice-cream tomorrow. -----now.


Ex. 63 Choose the right tense.

one) He … newspapers subsequently dinner every day . a) reads b) read c) has read

2) She …. habitation at present . a) is going b) goes c) will get

three) Helen …. her friend in the street yesterday. a) see b) has seen c) saw

4) My brother … simply … from work.. a) has come b) will come up c) comes

5) I …. at seven o`clock tomorrow. a) get up b) shall become up c) got

6) They ofttimes … to the theatre. a) get b) volition go c) accept gone

seven)We …. an English lesson at this moment. a) have b) are having c) have had

8) My family … to England terminal year. a) went b) go c) has gone

9) I …. already …my homework . a) shall practise b) did c) take done

10) I ….. to you tomorrow. a) shall come b) came c) will come

11) He … to school by charabanc every day. a)goes b) shall go c) volition go

12) What … you … now ? a) are doing b) will exercise c) take done

xiii) Where …. you … yesterday ? a) did go b) have gone c) do go

fourteen) I …. only …my breakfast . a) shall take b) had c) have had

xv) They … to Moscow next week. a) will go b) become c) went

16) He usually …. coffee in the morning. a) shall drink b) drinks c) drank

17) You ….. for a walk at present . a) accept gone b) are going c) go

18) She …. y'all about information technology a twenty-four hours ago . a) has asked b) asked c) will inquire

19) I …. supper next Lord's day. a) shall fix b) prepared c) take prepared

20) I … already … the window. a) have opened b) do open c) will open

Ex. 64 Use the necessary discussion.

i) Many people get in for … a) have b) beautiful c) sports

2) English helps people in cultural … a) relations b) ain c) important

3) I like to watch sports … on Television receiver. a) contest b) kinds c) favorite

iv) I want to read foreign literature in the … a) develop b) original c) different

5) Sport is very … a) hear b) go c) useful

6) Today English is the … of the world . a) adventure b) strange c) language

7) … is the most famous summer kind of sports. a) swimming b) skating c) skiing

8) Books assist people in our … a) studies b) important c) oft

9) We … many things from books a) larn b) self-education c) nature

x) I think a book is the best … a) frequently b) present c) favourite


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