How to Do a Google Review for a Business

It's long been known that what customers have to say most your business carries more weight than what yous accept to say nigh your business organization, no affair how cracking your services or how genuine your messaging may be. And knowing how much value consumers place into client reviews, Google has factored them into its local ranking algorithm—not just the quantity, but the quality of those reviews.

how to get more google reviews - local ranking factors

So Google reviews impact your ability to acquire new customers not just through your reputation, but also through your rank. And that'south why we're going to cover 17 effective strategies you lot can put into place to get a steady stream of positive Google reviews coming in near your business. We'll cover:

  • The importance and impact of Google reviews specifically.
  • The best and most efficient ways to get more Google reviews.
  • Examples of these strategies with sample text so that you're not starting from scratch.

So if you're looking to boost your reputation, rank, and ultimately your acquirement, keep reading for these Google review pro tips.

The benefits of more than Google business reviews

A Google review may be a quick and uncomplicated procedure, but the benefits are ongoing. The more people yous can get to go out a Google review for your business, the more you'll be able to accomplish in the way of business organisation objectives. If you're not yet placing emphasis on Google business reviews, now's the fourth dimension to change that and prioritize information technology in your local marketing strategy. Here are some facts and stats to back this up:

  • More reviews, more leads
    Did yous know that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations? Building up your reviews builds up the likelihood that a Google searcher will engage with your business organisation upon finding it.
  • More positive reviews, more purchases
    Consumers research and read reviews before making buy decisions. In fact, they read a minimum of 10 reviews before feeling confident in making a conclusion. The more than Google customer reviews you have, the more likely a buy is to exist made.
  • Higher reviews, higher rank
    Google rewards businesses that have frequent and positive reviews. They are a definite local SEO ranking factor, as confirmed by Google itself.

google my business review ranking factors

Data source

  • Lots of reviews, lower costs
    At that place are no fees to get out reviews or to respond to them. Positive endorsements for your business organisation on your Business Contour serve as free Google advertising for your business on the world'south most trusted platform.

The initial requirements for obtaining Google reviews

A very of import thing to note here is that in order to get Google reviews, a few things need to be in place:

  1. You need to know Google's policies
    You must follow Google'southward Terms of Service when soliciting reviews. This means yous should not offer whatever rewards and should ask your customers whether they seem to have had a positive or negative experience.
  2. Your business needs to be a "Place" on Google Maps.
    This volition give yous a Google Concern Profile on which customers tin get out reviews.
  3. You need to have your Google Business Profile verified.
    Creating a listing on Google Maps (which automatically creates a Business Contour) does not give you control over that listing. You need to create a Google My Concern business relationship and verify buying of your Business Profile through that account.

The steps to create a Google Maps listing and verify it through Google My Business are here.

These steps are crucial considering not but are they prerequisites to the strategies below, but they also permit you lot to respond to and manage the influx of reviews you'll be getting in one case you implement the tactics in this mail service.

How to get more Google reviews

Alright, now that you know the touch of Google reviews on your reputation and ranking, and take the verified Concern Profile through which to manage them, information technology's time to go more of 'em. These 17 strategies below will assist you lot to do only that.

1. Beginning, know the process

It takes about a infinitesimal for a customer to write a Google review. Easy plenty, correct? Well, there's a process to get there. The client has to:

  1. Open upward Google Maps
  2. Search for your business
  3. Click on it to pull upwardly your Google Business Contour
  4. Scroll downward to the reviews section in your profile
  5. Click write a review

Customer: Yous have been amazing. How tin can I leave you a review?

Would yous rather have to say:

A Google review would be dandy! Just search for usa on Google Maps and when y'all pull up our list, whorl down to the review department and there volition be a push there to write a review.


A Google review would exist great! But get to our website and in that location's a link right at that place to exercise it.

2. Create a Google review link shortcut

Your customer has to become online to write the review, regardless, then create a review shortcut link and put it on your website.

Become to your Google My Business account, click the Home tab, and find the "Get your start review" (or "Get more reviews") card. Click "Share review course" and copy the link to your clipboard.

how to get more google reviews: create google review shortcut link

You'll see this:

google review link shortcut

three. Shorten your review shortcut

It'southward piece of cake enough to drib this link into a button on your website or hyperlink information technology through shorter anchor text. Only there are plenty of offline methods of getting Google reviews for which this eye sore of a string will not piece of work. Thankfully, there are gratuitous link shorteners out there similar through which you can shorten and even customize your review link.

how to get more google reviews shorten review link

Okay, now that you've got a nice and make clean review shortcut link, it's time to look at various ways to nowadays this link to customers to go more Google reviews for your local business.

four. Link out to your Google reviews page from your website

If a customer wants to leave a review for your concern, the showtime place they're probably going to look is your website. Provide a clear and ataxia-free call to activity that is intuitively like shooting fish in a barrel to find, equally with the example below:

example of reviews page on website with google review CTA

In this case, clicking on "here" takes the user directly to the review section of the home inspector's Google Business Contour which lives in the SERP.

5. Create a Google reviews page on your website

While the to a higher place method works, an even ameliorate one is to dedicate a full website page to Google reviews (or reviews in general), accessible from your main navigation menu. The folio should comprise both a CTA to write a review but also include existing reviews. These not only encourage prospects to become a customer, just also requite that added inspiration for an existing customer to go out a review.

You tin can populate your reviews page via screenshots, but ideally, yous desire them to be in text form. The reason for this is that reviews are often keyword-rich, and then including them on your website in a manner that Google'southward crawlers can "read" makes for a swell small business organisation SEO strategy.

That existence said, you may desire to come up with a template where y'all can copy and paste the text in. There are also platforms and plug-ins that allow you to aggregate your Google reviews onto your website automatically.

get more google reviews: tool to embed google reviews on website

vi. Include a Google review CTA in your footer

In improver to or instead of having a designated page for Google reviews (or reviews in general) on your website, you may also want to include it in your website footer. This way, you don't have to worry about deciding where or where non to include the CTA. The beneath example uses images, but anchor text will exercise just fine.

get more google reviews with CTA in website footer

7. Create "leave us a review" cards

This is an offline method of getting more Google reviews, for which your shortcut link from #3 comes in handy. Take physical cards made up that says something to the effect of:

"Review The states on Google! Your Google review helps others who need our services to find our business organization. Plus, your feedback equips u.s. to continue serving you best. Take a minute to rate and review us at Thank you!"

get more google reviews with a review request card

8. Ask for Google reviews in person

Having a good conversation with a client in your store? Just finished a solid support phone call in which the client felt eternally grateful? In your interactions with clients, in that location are many opportunities to enquire for Google reviews. Here are some scenarios and examples of asking for reviews:

  • "I'k so glad to hear how happy you are with our business. Hey, if you wanted to leave that in a Google review, you'd help a lot more people similar yourself to find us. "
  • "This feedback is super helpful. Y'all know what would be crawly is if y'all shared that feedback online for other customers to run into."
  • "I'k so happy nosotros could assistance you. If you wouldn't listen sharing a judgement or two in a Google review, that would help us a ton."

And then you have that compact little card that has the link on information technology, or a link to your review page on your website that makes it like shooting fish in a barrel peasy for them.

9. Emphasize to customers how quick and piece of cake it is

And then past now, you know how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to leave a Google review, only your customers may not. Plus, review writer's block is a thing. An exuberant or long-fourth dimension client may have a hard fourth dimension distilling everything they love nigh your business into one review. And and so in that location are those who have a difficult time articulating what's on their mind. So when you're encouraging a review, it might be helpful to:

  • Tell them they can leave a star rating without writing anything (if applicable).
  • Remind them that if they do write, the review need just be 1 or two sentences.
  • Use terminology like "leave a review" or "driblet a quick review" instead of "write a review," every bit it might feel less cumbersome.

how to get more google reviews leave us a review

10. Run a Google review email campaign

Whether via personalized messages or a larger coating campaign, e-mail marketing is another effective manner to get more Google business reviews. Just exist clear in your ask—don't try to sugar glaze it, crush around the bush, or coerce customers into leaving a review. There'due south nothing incorrect with asking them to do something that volition help other future customers make informed decisions. Plus, when you have happy customers, you'd exist surprised at how willing they are to write a review. Every bit long every bit the process is clear and you make it fast and easy to do, you lot're likely to become warm responses to your request.

Fact: 86% of consumers are willing to write a review.

eleven. Include Google review opportunities in surveys

Asking your customers for their feedback lets them know that you value what they accept to say and have their best interests in mind. If you've gotten someone to make full out a poll or survey, they're already in the proper mindset. See if you can have advantage of their momentum past asking them to review your business organisation on Google while they're at it.

12. Ask for reviews on social media

Social media platforms are peachy for conversational marketing and transparency. Post a screenshot of your best review and ask your customers to leave their own feedback (including your clean and simple Google review shortcut link). Remind your followers that this is an opportunity for them to innovate someone else just like them to the benefits they experience from working with your business.

Platforms like Facebook accept their own review system, so keep this in listen when reaching out in this regard.

get more google reviews with a facebook post

xiii. Get Google reviews from vendors and partners

Vendors and partners may not exist customers, but they tin attest to what information technology's like to work with you on a regular basis. They besides might be more willing to get out a Google business review if you write one for their business concern first.

fourteen. Respond to your existing Google reviews

When y'all respond to your customers' Google reviews, you lot are letting new potential reviewers know that you listen to customer feedback and that it'southward worth their time to write their ain review. There are two means in which responding to reviews can become you more reviews.

  • Positive reviews:Being specific, timely, and grateful in your responses to positive reviews will beget more than positive reviews.
  • Negative reviews:Responding promptly and politely to negative reviews and actually resolving the issue can oftentimes result in the conversion of a negative review into a positive one.

Among consumers that read reviews, 97% read businesses' responses to reviews.

15. Create a Google review instruction video

Even with a shortcut link, some customers might still be more than likely to write a review if they see what the process looks like. In this case, creating a quick video on how to exit a Google review for your business organization may be just what you need. And with today'due south tools and engineering, DIY at-dwelling house marketing videos are easier than ever. Here'south an example from a home security supplier:

16. Include your Google review link in your email signature

Calculation a link to review your business on Google in your email signature is a great way to ask for more Google reviews without actually asking! Something like:

  • Have we helped you? Assistance others to find us by leaving a Google Review!
  • Happy with [Business Name]? Leave a review here.
  • Allow others know about [Business Name].

This can be particularly effective if you communicate on a daily basis with clients via email.

Examples of asking for Google client reviews

Coming upward with the words to actually enquire for a Google review can sometimes exist difficult, and then here are some basic phrases y'all tin use for starting points or inspiration:

  • Reviews on Google help u.s. to help more people similar you. When y'all have a minute, please share your feedback about our business organisation!
  • Got a minute to review us on Google? We'd dearest to get your feedback.
  • Thank you for choosing our business organization! Let us know how we're doing past dropping us a quick Google review!
  • Nosotros appreciate your input! Help usa go along providing the best service by posting a review on Google.
  • Exit us a quick review on Google! This helps people who need our assist to notice us.

How to exit Google reviews (without the shortcut link)

While your shortcut link turns writing Google reviews into a one-step procedure, it's still good to know the steps just to take all of your bases covered. Plus, you may want to exit reviews for other local businesses in your community who may non take the shortcut link. So here'southward how to exercise it:

How to get out a Google review on mobile

  1. Become to the Google Maps app
  2. Search for the business proper noun
  3. Tap on the listing
  4. Tap the "Reviews" tab in the listing.
  5. You lot'll see a "Rate and review" section where you can give the business concern a star rating. Once you select the star rating, yous'll accept the choice to write a review about the experience.

how to get more google reviews leave review mobile

How to leave a Google review on desktop

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the business name
  3. Click the listing
  4. Gyre down to "Review summary"
  5. Click on "Write a review"

Alternatively, you tin click on the star rating directly below the business'south listing title. This will take yous straight to the review pane, which has an option to write a review.

For either of these methods, yous will be asked to charge per unit the business from one to five stars. You lot can add comments or even images of the location and offerings (provided they bide by Google's review posting guidelines). Then, to publish, yous'll merely demand to click "Post."

Brand Google concern reviews a habit

The fact is, consumers trust what other consumers have to say. In fact, many people feel that reviews posted by strangers are just equally reliable as personal recommendations. Utilize that to your advantage. Make a habit of request your customers to review your business concern on Google. As long every bit you brand information technology as easy every bit possible to do, yous are likely to become more Google business reviews showing up on your list and therefore reaping all of the ranking, reputation, and acquirement benefits it has to offer.

To sum it all up, here are the xvi all-time ways to get more than Google reviews:

  1. Make sure yous accept a verified Google Business Profile
  2. Tell customers how to practice it
  3. Link out to your profile from your website
  4. Create a brusque and clean Google review link shortcut
  5. Have a reviews folio on your website
  6. Include a Google review CTA in your footer
  7. Create "go out us a review" cards
  8. Ask in person
  9. Emphasize how easy it is
  10. Run a Google review e-mail entrada
  11. Include review opportunities in surveys
  12. Ask your social media followers to review your business organization
  13. Asking reviews via social media posts
  14. Include your review link in your e-mail signature
  15. Respond to existing reviews
  16. Create an explainer video.


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